6 Ways How to Remove Water From Airpods

6 Ways How to Remove Water From Airpods


If unfortunately your AirPods have gotten wet and you don’t know about 6 ways How to Remove Water From Airpods so worry not here is the ultimate solutions to remove water from Airpods or Airpods Pro. Just keep reading till the end and at the end your wet airpods problem will be solved.

It’s important to act quickly if The AirPods are gotten damp, as water damage can be permanent. Here are some steps you can take to try to remove the water and save your AirPods

Step 1: Dry the Exterior

1. Remove the Ear Tips:

If you have AirPods Pro or Max, detach the ear tips for better access. Gently wipe them with a lint-free cloth and let them air dry.

2. Don’t Rub:

Use a soft, absorbent cloth to gently remove any visible water droplets from the AirPods themselves. Avoid rubbing, as this can push water further in.

3. Tackle the Case:

Open the charging case and use a paper towel to absorb any moisture. Allow air to circulate by leaving the lid open.

Step 2: Eject the Water (Optional)AirPods Pro Users:

If you have an iPhone with iOS 16 or later, you can use the built-in “Water Eject” shortcut to try and dislodge water from the speakers.

Go to Settings > Shortcuts > Automation and create a new “Personal Automation” triggered by “When AirPods are connected.” Then, add an action to “Play Sound” with the “Water Eject” sound selected.

Important Note: This feature is experimental and may not work for everyone. Use it cautiously and avoid high volume levels.

Step 3: The Waiting Game (and Drying Power)

  • Patience is Key: Now comes the crucial part – waiting for your AirPods to dry completely. Avoid using them for at least 24 hours, or longer if they still feel damp.
  • Desiccant Power: To accelerate the drying process, place your AirPods (with the case open) in a container with silica gel packets. These moisture absorbers will help draw out any remaining water.
  • Alternative Option: If you don’t have silica gel, you can try placing the AirPods near a fan (not directly in its airflow) for a few hours. However, avoid using heat sources like hair dryers or ovens, as this can damage them.

Step 4: Power Up and Test (Fingers Crossed!)

After a sufficient drying period, charge your AirPods fully and give them a test run. If they work perfectly, you’ve successfully fought off water damage! However, if you still experience sound issues, crackling, or connectivity problems, it’s best to Contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Remember: Prevention is Key While these steps can help revive water-damaged AirPods, the best approach is to prevent them from getting wet in the first place. Consider investing in a Waterproof Case for added protection, especially if you use your AirPods during workouts or in rainy weather.

Bonus Tip: Regularly cleaning your AirPods with a soft, dry cloth can help prevent the buildup of moisture and debris, which can also contribute to sound problems.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid Heat: Don’t use a hairdryer, heat lamp, or microwave to dry your AirPods. These methods can damage the delicate components.
Don't use hair dryer to dry the wet Airpods

Do not use oven or heater for Airpods drying

  • Compressed Air No-No: Avoid using compressed air, as it can force water deeper into the AirPods.
  • Rice Not Recommended: While rice is a common moisture absorber, it can leave behind tiny particles that could damage your AirPods. Stick to silica gel packets instead.

If you’ve tried these methods and your AirPods still aren’t working properly, it’s best to contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Quick Reference Guide, 6 Ways How to Remove Water From Airpods.

Sr.noStepsAirPods Pro/MaxAirPodsAirPods Charging Case
1Dry with clothYesYesYes
2Remove ear tips (if applicable)YesN/AN/A
3Use Water Eject Shortcut (iOS 16+)YesN/AN/A
4Leave case openYesYesYes
5Use silica gel packetsYesYesYes
6Drying time24-48 hours24-48 hours24-48 hours

How to Eject Water From Airpods

Airpods are fantastic companions for work, workouts, and everyday adventures. But let’s face it, accidents happen, and sometimes, those adventures involve water. Getting your Airpods wet can be stressful, but fear not! If you don’t know How to Eject Water From Airpods, With a few simple methods, you can safely eject the water and potentially revive your beloved earbuds.

Initial Steps: Dry the Obvious

  1. Remove the Ear Tips: If your AirPods have removable ear tips (like AirPods Pro), gently twist and pull them off. Water can get trapped inside, so drying them separately is crucial.
  2. Gently Wipe the Airpods: Use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any visible water droplets from the AirPods’ exterior. Avoid using paper towels, as they can leave fibers that could damage the delicate components.
  3. Dry the Charging Case: Open the charging case and wipe down the interior with the same cloth. Don’t forget the charging pins.
How to Eject Water From Airpods

Ejecting the Hidden Water: Advanced Techniques

Now, let’s tackle the water that might be hiding inside the AirPods themselves. You can attempt these two techniques:

Method 1: The Natural Approach

  • Leave Them Open: Place the AirPods, with the charging case open, in a dry, well-ventilated area for at least 24 hours. This allows natural evaporation to do its work.
Remove Water From Airpods

  • Desiccant Power: Surround the AirPods (case open) with silica gel packets (desiccants commonly found in shoeboxes or electronics packaging). These packets absorb moisture, accelerating the drying process.
Eject Water and Moisture from Airpods with help of silica gel.jpg

Method 2: The Shortcut Solution (iOS Only)

1-Download the Water Eject Shortcut: This handy shortcut uses specific sound frequencies to vibrate the AirPods, potentially dislodging water droplets. Search for “Water Eject Shortcut” on your iPhone and follow the instructions to download and install it.

Download the Water Eject Shortcut App

2-Connect and Run: Connect your AirPods to your iPhone and open the Shortcuts app. Find the Water Eject shortcut and run it. Choose the desired intensity level and follow the on-screen instructions.

Open Shortcuts app and Run it

Run the Shortcuts app

3-Important Note: While the Water Eject shortcut can be helpful, it’s not a guaranteed solution and may not be suitable for all AirPods models. Use it with caution and avoid running it for extended periods.

Patience is Key: Let Them Dry Completely

After trying any of these methods, resist the urge to immediately use your AirPods. Allow them to dry completely for at least 24 hours, preferably 48 hours. This ensures all moisture has evaporated, preventing potential damage to the internal components.

Water Ejection Methods at a Glance:

1Lint-free clothSafe, readily availableMight not remove all water
2Gentle shakingEasy, effective for loose dropletsCan push water deeper
3Water Eject Shortcut (iOS)Innovative, potentially thoroughRequires iPhone, might not be suitable for all situations
4Desiccant packsSafe, effective for long-term dryingRequires time, patience

How to Get Water Out of AirPods

AirPods are amazing companions for music, calls, and podcasts, but their sleek design unfortunately doesn’t come with waterproofing. So, if you accidentally take a plunge with your AirPods, and you don’t know How to Get Water Out of AirPods so no need to despair! With quick action and the right techniques, you can increase your chances of reviving your beloved airpods.

AirPods Water Rescue Techniques

1Dry with clothGently pat with a soft, lint-free cloth.Avoid paper towels.
2Remove ear tips (Pro/Max)Detach and dry separately.Rinse with clean water if submerged.
3Water Eject Shortcut (iOS 16+)Play the shortcut to dislodge water.Requires compatible iPhone and iOS version.
4Air dryPlace in a cool, dry place with good airflow.Avoid direct sunlight or heat.
5Silica gelPlace AirPods and case in a container with packets.Wait 24-48 hours.
6Compressed air (low setting)Gently blow out water droplets.Be cautious not to damage components.
7Vacuum cleaner (low power)Briefly suck out trapped water.Use clean nozzle, avoid direct contact.

Beyond Basic Drying:

If your AirPods still exhibit muffled sound, crackling, or charging issues after following these steps, seek professional help. Apple Authorized Service Providers can diagnose the problem and offer repair options.

Conclusion: Be Prepared, Not Scared

While getting your AirPods wet isn’t ideal, don’t panic! if you don’t know How to Remove Water From Airpods so By following these simple steps and giving them time to dry thoroughly, you may be able to bring your beloved airpods or earbuds back to life. Remember, prevention is key, so practice safe listening and avoid watery situations whenever possible.

Bonus: For additional peace of mind, consider investing in a waterproof case for your Airpods. This will provide an extra layer of protection against future water mishaps.

Happy listening!


Is There a water Eject Button for AirPods?

No, AirPods don’t have a dedicated water eject button. But there are ways to remove water:

1. Gently shake: Remove AirPods from your ears and tap them lightly while facing downwards.

2. Use the Water Eject Shortcut (iOS only): Download and run this shortcut to play specific sounds that might help dislodge water. Use with caution.

3. Dry for 24 hours: Place AirPods in a cool, dry place with the case open, ideally near desiccant (like silica gel packets).

Remember: AirPods aren’t waterproof. If submerged, avoid turning them on and seek professional help.

Can I use rice to dry my AirPods?

It’s not recommended. Rice grains can get lodged in the AirPods and cause more harm than good.

Is it safe to use compressed air to dry my AirPods?

Avoid it. The strong air pressure can damage the delicate internal components.

Can my AirPods case survive water?

It depends! While AirPods themselves have some water resistance (depending on the model), the charging case is not waterproof. Here’s a quick breakdown:

AirPods Pro (2nd gen) & AirPods (3rd gen) with MagSafe/Lightning Case:

Sweat & Water Resistant: Handles light splashes and workouts (IPX4 rated).

Not Waterproof: Avoid submerging or showering with them.

AirPods Pro (1st gen) & AirPods (1st & 2nd gen):

Sweat Resistant: Okay for workouts, but avoid heavy water exposure.

Not Water Resistant: Don’t wear them in rain or near water.

Remember: Water damage isn’t covered by warranty. If your case gets wet, dry it with a soft cloth immediately. Don’t charge wet AirPods or their case. For more details, check Apple’s official water resistance info.

What about warranty coverage for water damage?

AirPods warranty typically doesn’t cover water damage. AppleCare+ might offer some coverage depending on the specific situation.

How to Get Water out of Airpods Pro?

Act fast! Water damage can worsen, so follow these steps promptly:

Dry the exterior: Gently wipe with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Remove ear tips: Twist and pull to detach. Rinse with clean water (if dirty), dry thoroughly.

Eject water (optional): Use the “Water Eject” shortcut (iOS only) for soundwave removal (instructions below).

Air dry: Leave AirPods and case open in a cool, dry place for 24-48 hours. No heat!

Silica gel boost: Place AirPods (without case) in a sealed container with silica packets for extra drying.

Test & charge: After drying, try using your AirPods. If issues persist, contact Apple Support.

Bonus Tip: For the “Water Eject” shortcut:
Download from Shortcuts Gallery (iOS only).
Enable “Allow Untrusted Shortcuts” in Settings.
Run the shortcut and follow instructions.

Disclaimer: These steps may not always fix water damage. For severe cases, contact Apple Support.

How to Get Water out of Airpods Case?

Act fast! The sooner you remove water, the better. Here’s how:

Dry the exterior: Use a lint-free cloth (not paper towels!). Gently wipe the case and AirPods.

Open the case and leave it upside down. This helps trapped water evaporate.

Use desiccant packs: Place AirPods and case (open) in a container with silica gel packets (found in vitamin bottles) for 24 hours.

Avoid rice!Wait patiently: Don’t charge or use your AirPods until completely dry (at least 24 hours).

AirPods are water-resistant, not waterproof.
If water gets inside, don’t use heat or compressed air.
If problems persist, contact Apple Support.

Bonus Tip: Indirect sunlight can aid drying, but avoid direct heat.
I hope this helps!

How to Eject Water From Airpods Using Siri?

Unfortunately, AirPods don’t have built-in water ejection via Siri. However, there’s a workaround using a Shortcut:

1. Download the “Water Eject” shortcut: Use your iPhone’s browser to download it from the Shortcuts Gallery. Tap “Add Shortcut” when prompted.

2. Use the shortcut:
1-Say “Hey Siri, run Water Eject” or open the Shortcuts app and tap “Water Eject.”
2-Cover the AirPods’ sensors and tap “Begin Water Ejection.”
3-Choose intensity and repeat until water stops.

Note: This method isn’t officially supported by Apple and may not work perfectly.

For best results:
Gently dry the AirPods first.
Use the shortcut multiple times.
Let them air dry completely afterwards (24+ hours).
If water persists, contact Apple Support.

Can you fix water damaged AirPods?

Unfortunately, AirPods aren’t officially repairable for water damage. However, here are some self-help steps:

Act quickly: Dry them asap with a lint-free cloth.

Air dry or use Desiccant: Leave them out or use silica packets for 24-48 hrs. Try the Water Eject shortcut (AirPods Pro only).

If they still don’t work:
Consider AppleCare+: Offers discounted replacements ($29/incident). Out-of-warranty replacements: Contact Apple for fees ($89/AirPod).
Third-party repair: Risky, as Apple doesn’t authorize repairs for water damage.

Remember: These efforts might not work, and official repairs aren’t available.

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